Saturday, July 27, 2024
Business File

Business lessons from 2021

By John Corban

At the beginning of 2021, we were hoping for the worst of COVID to be behind us and some sort of normality could be experienced. But no, the Delta variant, prolonged lockdowns and imposed vaccinations dominated the year. Considering this year was even crazier than last, the landscape/horticulture and nursery industries, and most businesses operating in this area, have done very well.

Now that we are at the beginning of the year, what worked well and what could be done differently this year? Some ideas below, might help as you plan some positive changes for 2022.

Outsource/delegate tasks to others

I think it’s useful to write a list of all your tasks and highlight the ones you know you should hand over to someone else. Then ask the most appropriate person in your team (employees, admin staff, bookkeepers, accountants, marketing assistants) to do that task. You may think they won’t do it as well as you would, and I say, “So what?” If they do it 80% as well as you, that’s great. The aim is to free up your time so you can work on what you should be doing to grow your business.

Staff are hard to find, so work on retaining that one’s you have

I have stated this a couple of times in previous articles for obvious reasons. Constantly aim to make these people feel like part of your extended family by ensuring they feel appreciated, accountable and rewarded while developing.

Work with clients that suit you

Don’t waste time working with clients and projects that you know are not right for you. This issue is the biggest time-waster for business owners, and the biggest profit and morale destroyer. The level of enquiries this year gave you the freedom to pick and choose your clients. So, take time qualifying properly. I think enquiries and growth will be similar this year to last year.

Lead with positive energy

Our mindset can be negatively affected by a lazy employee, what the media is reporting, or a job that has gone pear-shaped. The key as business owners is to lead and influence our clients, team, and associates in a positive, upbeat yet realistic manner. We all get stressed at times but find a way of clearing your head, so you can communicate and work effectively.

The simple things in life are important

Although we all spent more time at home and relatively isolated, it did teach us that the simple things in life are the most important. Loving our family, being in nature, maintaining our physical and mental health, appreciating friends and our freedom. Regardless of what happens in life, it’s the core principles that matter the most.

I hope this article influences you to look at some areas in your business where you could improve so that 2022 is more seamless and rewarding.

John Corban
Business Coach for Landscapers, Horticulturists and Nursery owners
Mob: 0433 271 980

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