Friday, September 20, 2024

Business File

Business File

How to run your business and thrive in these times

By John Corban

We cannot control external occurrences, like the economy or the weather, but we can control our response to what happens. We have experienced an extended boom in the Landscape Industry, so what we might be experiencing now is business as usual, (in other words the boom has subsided).Continue reading

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Business File

Are you in a rut running your business?

By John Corban

For several months you may have felt that everything at work is tough, whether its winning work, trying to find a new employee, managing team members or managing cash-flow, your energy is flat and you feel you and your business is in a rut.… Continue reading

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Create a vision for your business and communicate it with your team (Image: Karen Smith)
Business File

Creating an inspiring business future

By John Corban

Think back to when you started your business – you were probably somewhat fearful, but incredibly excited about what you were starting. And you probably imagined growing your business over time to a larger business with a key team, great clients, good profits, and a reasonably high profile.… Continue reading

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Plan for costs (Image: Rich Earth Landscaping)
Business File

Financial strategies to boost sales and profits

By John Corban

The beginning of the new financial year has begun, so now is the perfect time to analyse your Profit & Loss (P&L) from the year just finished. Then, create a forecast knowing what areas of quoting, projects, project management and maintenance, and retail you need to improve.Continue reading

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