Friday, September 20, 2024


German firm Weber Verpackungen presented a packaging machine for potted plants that claims productivity increases up to 100% compared with manual hand packing
Industry Event

Tech and environment star at the 40th IPM Horti Expo

By John Fitzsimmons

This year marked the 40th Anniversary of the IPM Essen horticultural expo in Germany. It hosted 1400 specialist exhibitors from 14 countries presenting over a massive 100,000m² and 10 exhibition halls. Technology that enhances efficient greenlife production, especially innovations that improve productivity and respond to environmental challenges, were again a feature.Continue reading

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Glasshouses at Worn Gundidj (Image: Worn Gundidj)
Business Profile

Nursery business offers more than plants

By Karen Smith

I don’t believe it is possible to overestimate the benefits of horticulture to the wider community. It is an inclusive endeavour suited to all ages and skill levels. A conversation I had recently with Chris Shepard and Peter Lyles from Worn Gundidj nursery in Warrnambool reinforced my conviction there is more to a nursery than plants.Continue reading

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Greener Spaces Better Places Update

What’s Growing on?

Welcome to this month’s Greener Spaces Better Places program update. Read on to find out the latest news and highlights to keep you up to date on what’s happening and how you can benefit.

A dynamic two-way conversation between industry experts and Australian greenlife consumers has been rolling out via the @GreenerSpacesBetterPlaces Instagram channel.… Continue reading

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Creating beautiful landscapes requires sound business decisions (Image: Karen Smith)
Business File

Making better business decisions

By John Corban

We are now settled into the new calendar year and it’s a suitable time to act on some important strategic decisions for your business, if you haven’t done so already. It might be that you are seriously thinking about hiring or removing a skilled worker, removing or adding a service, increasing charge out rates, improving a system in your business or buying an expensive piece of equipment.… Continue reading

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