Saturday, September 21, 2024


Business File

Are you in a rut running your business?

By John Corban

For several months you may have felt that everything at work is tough, whether its winning work, trying to find a new employee, managing team members or managing cash-flow, your energy is flat and you feel you and your business is in a rut.… Continue reading

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Station Creel Tree Farm display
Industry Event

Industry comes together at Queensland’s Green Expo

By Karen Smith

The Nursery & Garden Industry Queensland (NGIQ) Green Expo was recently held at the Gold Coast Turf Club, showcasing greenlife displays which included everything from potted colour to advanced trees and everything in between.

All under the one roof, visitors have the opportunity to speak direct with suppliers, growers and allied traders.… Continue reading

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Bio-retention swale testing, Area 2, after three years

Decade-long research identifies suitable plants for wet conditions

By Todd Layt

Evaluation of survivability of different landscape plants in various wet feet conditions.

Waterlogging has become a significant horticultural topic, particularly as our industry observed Australia enduring three years of exceptional wet conditions, including record floods. In a recent decade-long Australian study, researchers examined the impact of urbanisation and altered land use on ecosystems, particularly related to weather extremes, plant waterlogging, and increased flooding.… Continue reading

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