Sunday, September 22, 2024


Business File

Why now is the time to set bigger goals?

By John Corban

Typically, what happens after a boom period is a slowing of enquiries. Many business owners get very cautious, and decide to cut expenses and operate from a restrictive mindset.

They can feel the pressure of going from excessive enquiries to much less, or they find clients holding back on spending as much.… Continue reading

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A rich community of mosses inhabiting soils and rocks in Bodo, Norway, north of the Arctic Circle (Image: UNSW Sydney)

Why mosses are vital for the health of our soil and Earth

Supplied by UNSW Sydney

Often ignored or even removed, moss provides stabilisation for plant ecosystems the world over. Some people see moss growing in their gardens as a problem, but what they may not realise is this ancient ancestor of all plants is bringing lots of benefits to our green spaces, such as protecting against erosion.Continue reading

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Landscape Design Institute announces new partnership

Landscape Design Institute of Australia (LDI), formerly known as the Australian Institute of Landscape Designers and Managers (AILDM), is pleased to announce a new partnership with Greener Publishing & Media Pty Ltd Publishers of Hort Journal Australia magazine for the ongoing publishing of LDI’s member and industry publication Landscape Outlook (LO).… Continue reading

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