Sunday, September 22, 2024



Levy funded project saves $20m

A levy-funded project led by Greenlife Industry Australia (GIA) has succeeded in having Polyphagus shot-hole borer re-classified as a Category 1 pest, netting Australia’s nursery industry a saving of more than $20 million.

Among the key project outcomes to date, the project team successfully developed a pest categorisation information package for the Polyphagous shot-hole borer (PSHB)/Fusarium sp.… Continue reading

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Work on your marketing so more of your ideal clients see your work
Business File

Win more jobs when clients are holding back!

By John Corban

Enquiries have been at a peak for the last few years, however, with the media reporting interest rate and cost of living hikes, some prospects and clients may be reducing their original spend or even delaying a project.… Continue reading

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Editors editorial

What is new in horticulture?

The discovery of a new species of orchid in Japan underscores the necessity of persistent exploration and conservation efforts for undisturbed native ecosystems.

The orchid, named Spiranthes hachijoensis, was discovered in Tokyo. This discovery will undoubtedly spark interest in the flower which was originally thought to be S.Continue reading

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Garden Inspiration Group 2023 (Image: John Fitzsimmons)
Industry Event

Garden Inspiration Group’s returns face-to-face big time

By John Fitzsimmons

After pandemic interruptions since 2020, Garden Inspirations Group’s GIG 2023 returned to its obviously popular face-to-face format recently with a big attendance of independent garden centre people and some newly recognised retail ‘champions’.

As it turned out, there were more than 165 acceptances for attendance at GIG 2023 – a record!… Continue reading

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