Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Editors editorial


The new year of 2022 has brought many changes with it, the least of which is a change of leadership at Greenlife Industry Australia (GIA). Hort Journal would like to welcome GIA’s new Chief Executive Officer Joanna Cave. Joanna comes to the role with a wealth of experience as a CEO of a variety of peak bodies, membership organisations and not-for-profit associations, both in the United Kingdom and in Australia.Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers: Fostering innovation within production nurseries

BACKGROUND: The greenlife industry, like other horticultural and agricultural industries has been on a steady path of modernisation, automation and digitalisation over the last decade.

Technology has the power to transform a nursery production business. Automated potting machines, mixers and conveyors have greatly increased productivity whilst advances in irrigation and Integrated
Pest Management have improved the profitability in production nurseries.… Continue reading

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