
Business File

Making better business decisions

By John Corban

We are now settled into the new calendar year and it’s a suitable time to act on some important strategic decisions for your business, if you haven’t done so already. It might be that you are seriously thinking about hiring or removing a skilled worker, removing or adding a service, increasing charge out rates, improving a system in your business or buying an expensive piece of equipment.… Continue reading

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How can one fungus infect nearly all plants, vascular or not?

Two views of a common mould summarised from research by Ritu Singh, Celine Caseys and Daniel J. Kliebenstein in the news from the British Society for Plant Pathology, and also from Levantine Hill Wine articles.

If you observe signs of decay on your fruits and vegetables, accompanied by the growth of fuzzy grey-brown mould, chances are it is Botrytis cinerea.… Continue reading

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Aloe vera uses you never thought of

The evolution of electric vehicles and low power electronic devices such as mobile phones drive the search for better longer lasting energy storage. The amount of energy and the rate at which you can use it depends on, among other things, the surface area of electrodes that make up the bulk of the system.… Continue reading

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Hort Innovation Statistics 2022/2023

February saw the release of the Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2022/23. This annual compilation of statistics reflects the general health of Australian horticulture. From 2013 the horticulture industry has grown substantially overall but the industry growth has flattened out over the last couple of years.… Continue reading

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Editors editorial

Cyclones, storms, flood and bushfires – where will it end?

You could be forgiven for feeling confused about the weather events over summer. While we were expecting a dry hot summer due to an El Nino event, Australia was dealing with Cyclone Jasper in far north Queensland and a battering of storms and floods throughout the east coast.… Continue reading

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Business File

Solutions for problems in your business

By John Corban

Many businesses share similar problems so I thought I would share solutions to problems that I have shared over the last twelve months.

Problem: I need more profit, what can I do?

Solution: Understand where your business is at financially first, plan to remove any unnecessary costs, then create a six-month profit forecast until June 30.Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Expanding emergency measures for Xylella fastidiosa

The Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) has updated protocols to handle the threat of Xylella fastidiosa, a significant bacterial pathogen, in imported nursery stock.

Effective December 2023, regulatory measures are enforced for plants within the Simaroubaceae family to mitigate the risk of Xylella.… Continue reading

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Greener Spaces Better Places Update

What’s Growing on?


The three latest episodes, filmed in Queensland, shine a spotlight on mature trees, sub-tropicals and architectural plants. Claire Hooper hosts the series once again, and is joined on the couch by sub-tropical expert and nursery owner Wayne Lyons, Kristian Spink of Marlborough Nurseries, and Brisbane-based horticulturalist Zoe Donkin.… Continue reading

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Print media making a comeback

By Karen Smith

All is not lost in print media, and according to ‘theconversation.com’ magazines still have the place in the market. Here is a summary of the article on their website.

Print magazines, though not as popular as they once were, have defied predictions of demise.… Continue reading

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Australasian Systematic Botany Society Medal

Dr Tom May, Principal Research Scientist (Mycology) at Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, was awarded the 2023 Nancy T. Burbidge Medal, the highest award of the Australasian Systematic Botany Society (ASBS).

Dr Katharina Nargar, President of ASBS, said the award honoured Dr May’s longstanding and significant contribution to the discovery, description, understanding and conservation of Australia’s vast fungal diversity.… Continue reading

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