
NutrientPlant Nutrition

Humates, chelates and other ‘secret solutions’

By John Fitzsimmons

Most people in horticulture are familiar with the big-ticket plant nutrients, readily focusing on the familiar NPK summaries. However, shelf labels, catalogues, and online searches often include other nutritional references that may be less familiar and/or less understood.… Continue reading

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NutrientPlant Nutrition

Humic and fulvic acids and their benefits

By Patrick Regnault

Humic and fulvic acids are used as bio-stimulants to promote plant growth and increase nutrient availability and uptake. The ornamental horticulture industry is looking to reduce its environmental impact – think of all the fertilisers used on lawns and gardens, sport fields and parklands.Continue reading

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Plant nutrition: What, when, how, why

By John Fitzsimmons

Recent times have seen a rise in consumer concerns not just with ‘what’ they are buying but ‘how’ it was produced. Buying preferences have been increasingly flowing to ‘natural’, ‘organic’, ‘green’, ‘safer’, and ‘environmentally friendly’ labels. While the concepts are appealing it’s also easy to become a bit cynical about the real claims and benefits of some proliferating labels.Continue reading

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