Saturday, September 21, 2024

Botanic Gardens

Windrows of recently removed African olive branches to reduce water and leaf litter loss
Botanic Gardens

Return of the Western Sydney Dry Rainforest

By Michael Elgey

For millennia, the lands in Western Sydney where the Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan (ABGMA) is located, were home to the First Nations people of the Dharawal Nation. This site was also a meeting place for the Dharug and Gandangara nations, where these three nations met to trade and discuss law and other matters.Continue reading

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Flowers of Agonis flexuosa (Image: Emily Denham)
Botanic Gardens

Seed collections help safeguard the future

By Matthew Stray

While Agonis flexuosa may appear robust and resilient, this long-lived species should not be taken for granted, nor should access to its seed. Threats to A. flexuosa exist through the processes of climate change as well as a potential incursion of Myrtle Rust into south west Western Australia.Continue reading

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A selection of Tasmania’s native Ericaceae
Botanic Gardens

Seed dormancy issues of native Ericaceae

by James Wood

The propagation of plants can be performed vegetatively or with seed. In many circumstances vegetative propagation is essential to achieve immediate conservation outcomes, but if you want to achieve genetically diverse outcomes germinating seed is generally preferable. When it comes to the functioning of seed banks, germination is also important.Continue reading

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The Tiny Forest in August 2023 (Image: Wollongong Botanic Gardens)
Botanic Gardens

Small but mighty – Tiny Forests

By Felicity Skoberne

Urban greening through planting trees in public spaces can often be challenging and draw a wide range of responses from the community. Wollongong City Council recently refreshed their urban greening approaches by engaging with the community to construct rapid growth forests.Continue reading

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