Tuesday, September 17, 2024


No tree is exactly the same in form, size and foliage

Putting a REAL value on trees

By John Fitzsimmons

There are those who love trees simply for their beauty and splendour. There are people who regard trees as being ‘in the way’ of some more immediate perceived want or need, or who dislike living with trees in close proximity for cultural or aesthetic reasons.Continue reading

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When there is little space or too many underground pipes, pots can be used (Image: Patrick Regnault)

Shrinking backyards – are trees a viable option?

By Patrick Regnault

For those of us who have chosen the rural life, finding the right location and types of trees to plant is our dilemma. For people living in urban and suburban areas it is much more difficult, and sometimes planting a tree is not advised.Continue reading

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General guidelines for successful tree planting: (a) 75mm watering basin around the trunk, (b) 75mm of mulch, clear of the trunk and beyond the edge of the hole overlapping the undisturbed soil, (c) backfill with site soil (based on Craul 1992, drawn by K. Smith, Metropolitan Trees Handbook, 2003

Giving trees their best start: It’s worth it

By John Fitzsimmons

The benefits of trees in our landscapes and streetscapes are many, widely published, and should be widely recognised and accepted. Monetary valuations of mature urban trees (2022 estimated values) can range up to $220,000 each, and annual maintenance costs, depending on management programs, can be $150/year or more for decades of benefit.Continue reading

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Playspaces that are well planted with trees offer nature play in mini forests (images supplied by Remarkable Trees)

Ideas for improving tree outcomes in new development areas

By Jason Summers

Creating treescapes can be impactful and improve the look and feel of a destination. To achieve high quality outcomes, it takes a lot of planning and appropriate species selection that is relevant to the location and local environmental conditions.Continue reading

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