Saturday, July 27, 2024


When there is little space or too many underground pipes, pots can be used (Image: Patrick Regnault)

Shrinking backyards – are trees a viable option?

By Patrick Regnault

For those of us who have chosen the rural life, finding the right location and types of trees to plant is our dilemma. For people living in urban and suburban areas it is much more difficult, and sometimes planting a tree is not advised.Continue reading

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Playspaces that are well planted with trees offer nature play in mini forests (images supplied by Remarkable Trees)

Ideas for improving tree outcomes in new development areas

By Jason Summers

Creating treescapes can be impactful and improve the look and feel of a destination. To achieve high quality outcomes, it takes a lot of planning and appropriate species selection that is relevant to the location and local environmental conditions.Continue reading

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A well-protected paperbark tree (Image: Janet Hodgkiss)

Garden trees – the choices we make

By Patrick Regnault

There is a big emphasis on planting trees in gardens, parks and streets to help cool down our towns and cities, and to reduce the need for air conditioning. Whilst trees bring great benefits, we also need to be smart and mostly practical about which trees to use, where to plant them and how to look after them.Continue reading

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Eucalyptus robusta ‘Matong’PBR (Image: Flemings Nurseries)

Playing the ‘long game’ with advanced trees

Report compiled by John Fitzsimmons

Many industries now utilise fast-track design and manufacturing methods to more quickly deliver products that meet customer demands and expectations in a rapidly changing world. However, in the greenlife world, especially in the advanced tree sector, participants must, by definition, play a ‘long game’.Continue reading

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Liquid Ambers Styraciflua (Image - Established Tree Transplanters)

Selection of advanced trees requires forward-thinking

By Karen Smith

Selecting advanced trees for a landscape design requires forward-thinking for an outcome that is a win-win situation for both growers and landscape architects, but most importantly, the client or end user.

Like any design, whether it be landscape, building or fashion, designers aim for a design that is unique and by putting their own stamp on the project, sets them apart from others.… Continue reading

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Acacia pendula

The urban environment and its inherent stress factors

Successful tree growth in urban environments is reliant on more than just species selection. It is about planting the right tree in the right location to achieve successful landscape outcomes.

In an increasingly challenging urban landscape, planning and infrastructure must support the tree taxa selections to ensure they have the adequate resources and suitable growing conditions in order to survive and thrive, and provide the aesthetic and environmental services expected of them (Diamond Head Consulting Ltd.,… Continue reading

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