Saturday, July 27, 2024
Business File

Emerging marketing trends in horticulture

By John Corban

The landscape industry has benefited from increased enquiries since the pandemic started. However, we should never expect enquiries to remain strong without a proactive approach to our marketing. So, to assist you, I have highlighted some marketing trends that emerged during the pandemic and will remain strong this year and next. 

How your brand impacts the environment

With climate change being an important global issue, consumers are selecting brands whose business practices impact the environment less, so making your clients aware of how you care about the environment, is an important aspect to include in your marketing material and posts. Electric or energy-efficient machinery, plants that require less irrigation, offering recycled materials, recycled site waste are some ideas.

Video marketing

We have witnessed video marketing being used more regularly over the past few years. Research shows that 80% of consumers prefer to watch a video than to read content. Video views can be a decisive factor before a potential client makes contact, so video marketing is one of the strongest marketing tools we can use.

There are many ways you can create a video – a site in progress, before and afters, a professional video of a completed site with complementary music, or an owner talking about an aspect of a job.

Immersive customer experiences

Using storytelling (short videos of projects, design renders, past clients explaining their experience), to allow potential clients to envisage themselves with your service, is becoming a trend. Multi-format content will also be a great tool for increasing engagement, such as including a video of pictures or a video of case studies.

Voice and visual searches

Voice and visual searches on Google and other platforms will increase in 2022. Statistics show that it’s expected in the near future that we will be able to search for a product or service just by uploading an image. We can search for services and products using voice search now.

To help potential clients find your service, your SEO and social content needs to be optimised using relevant keywords.

Marketing automation

When running a small business, marketing is sometimes the last thing on your mind, but it should be one of priority. Automating social media posts and email campaigns allows you to create the content, schedule it ahead of time and then it is launched on the date set. It removes the possibility of forgetting to launch a post, due to being too busy.

Messages through apps

Companies are increasingly using social networks to interact with their customers. On Facebook Messenger alone, an average of 10 billion messages are recorded between people and companies per month. Social apps allow you to send messages to your clients directly and in a personalised way.

Artificial intelligence software

Artificial intelligence used in chatbots is being used by more companies. It is where you are on a website and texting questions about a service and getting an immediate response. The software is programmed to respond to your questions.

Virtual meetings

Most of us are now using Zoom or other apps, and having virtual meetings with clients and employees is definitely a time saver.

With the trends and changes that are happening in marketing, it’s an exciting time to create a simple marketing plan that works for your business, and helps ensure enquiries and clients remain strong throughout the year.

John Corban
Business Coach for Landscapers,

Horticulturists and Nursery owners
Mob: 0433 271 980

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