Botanic Gardens

Botanic Gardens

Greening our Garden

Returning 40 hectares of native canopy at Australia’s largest Botanic Garden

By Michael Elgey

In 2019 the Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan (ABGMA) secured NSW State Government grant funding as part of the Greening Our City initiative. Our successful proposal was to plant 22,500 native trees and return a canopy that was unfortunately cleared during European colonisation.Continue reading

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Botanic Gardens

Agents of change

By Maraika vanWessem

To the public, our botanic gardens are places of solace, learning and socialising. But what about the bigger picture? More than two thirds of our global population will be living in cities by 2050, yet the trees that shade and make those cities liveable are under increasing threat.Continue reading

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Botanic GardensPlants

In pursuit of an organic display Rose Garden

By Tristan O’Hara

For many years, the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney (RBG) has been working towards providing a high-quality, organic, display Rose Garden under challenging circumstances.

Upfront, I am a general horticulturist, not an expert rosarian and have been entrusted with managing the RBG’s Rose Garden.… Continue reading

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Botanic Gardens

Creative approaches to weed and pest management

By Zoe Knapp

Managing plant pests and weeds is an important component of curating any botanic garden. Like many botanic gardens, the Australian National Botanic Gardens applies an Integrated Pest Management approach to minimise herbicide and pesticide use on site.

In recent years, increased rainfall and milder climate conditions, combined with pandemic restrictions and reduced on-site staffing, have increased our need for creative solutions to pest and weed management.… Continue reading

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Botanic Gardens

Desert Pea – an arid land beauty

By Matt Coulter

As the state’s floral emblem, Swainsona formosa,the Sturt’s Desert Pea is an important species for the Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium of South Australia to showcase in our collections. 

Swainsona formosa, the Sturt’s Desert Pea, was one of the first plants of Australia to be collected by European explorers.… Continue reading

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Botanic Gardens

Friends of the Gardens – the lifeblood of Rockhampton Botanic Garden

By Stuart Elder

In my first days as Curator at Rockhampton Botanic Garden last September, I was struck with a very welcoming and familiar sight dressed in bright pink shirts, the Friends of the Botanic Gardens!

Having worked for many years in various roles for The Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust, I was very familiar with the various programs that were run under the Foundation and Friends Inc.… Continue reading

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Botanic Gardens

Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha

By Dale Arvidsson

Brisbane’s enviable subtropical climate allows gardeners and landscapers the opportunity to successfully grow an extremely wide variety of flora that originates from tropical, subtropical, and even temperate climates around the globe.

Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha is Queensland’s premier subtropical botanic gardens and features a variety of spectacular living collections.… Continue reading

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Botanic Gardens

Reflections on the current challenges of saving threatened flora

By Daniella Pasqualini

The Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan (ABGMA) is home to some impressive facilities including the recently relocated National Herbarium of NSW and the PlantBank, our state-of the art seed storage facility. Behind these special buildings lies a humbler but just as important set of structures, the nursery, where horticulture meets science.Continue reading

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