Friday, September 20, 2024

Editors editorial

Editors editorial

What is new in horticulture?

The discovery of a new species of orchid in Japan underscores the necessity of persistent exploration and conservation efforts for undisturbed native ecosystems.

The orchid, named Spiranthes hachijoensis, was discovered in Tokyo. This discovery will undoubtedly spark interest in the flower which was originally thought to be S.Continue reading

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Hort Journal March 2023
Editors editorial

A heartbreaking occurrence

Most of us know what it feels like to have something stolen. It creates a sinking feeling that hits you in the gut. When it comes to plants, that takes it to another level! One day I came out into my front garden (which doesn’t have a fence) and found that a massive clump of bromeliads had simply been ripped out.… Continue reading

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