Friday, September 20, 2024

Industry News

Industry News

NGIQ continues to lobby government

By Ian Atkinson – CEO, Nursery & Garden Industry Queensland

Queensland had very much above average rainfall for most of the north and east in July and cooler than average daytime temperatures for most of the state. With widespread cooler than average days for most of the month, many sites reported their lowest July temperature on record, or the lowest for at least 20 years.… Continue reading

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Industry News

Horticultural Careers – new industry job board is a game changer

By Daniel Fuller

I don’t think anybody will disagree with me when I say the biggest challenge our industry is currently facing is the shortage of workers. Everywhere around the country, it’s the same story: “I just can’t find staff.”

I knew this was a problem worth solving when I left my landscape maintenance boss in Autumn with eight weeks’ notice and he still couldn’t fill my position.… Continue reading

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