Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Learn more about your business with industry data

Background & Methodology: This is the fifth industry statistics survey and to ensure consistency and to enable longitudinal data trends to be gleaned from the study, the questions and methodology has remained largely the same over this period.

Consistent with past projects, the majority of questions have been answered via Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews, but responses have also been received via email and an online platform.… Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers: Fostering innovation within production nurseries

BACKGROUND: The greenlife industry, like other horticultural and agricultural industries has been on a steady path of modernisation, automation and digitalisation over the last decade.

Technology has the power to transform a nursery production business. Automated potting machines, mixers and conveyors have greatly increased productivity whilst advances in irrigation and Integrated
Pest Management have improved the profitability in production nurseries.… Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers: Accessing Levy-Funded Research

According to the Hort Innovation Nursery Fund Annual Report, in 2020/2021 there was $2.8 million invested into research and development with a further $727,000 invested into marketing. This investment was made across 26 different active investments.

Due to the continued growth of the industry, $3.19 million in levies collected in 2020/21 will be allocated to achieving industry’s strategic priorities outlined in the most recent Nursery
Strategic Investment Plan 2022-26.… Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers November 2021, Accelerating uptake and removing barriers to green roofs in Australia

Background: Rapidly growing urban populations, increasingly hot cities and the need for green space and access to nature are key reasons for integrating more green infrastructure into cities. Green roofs provide environmental benefits and greener developments can enhance human well-being and productivity, and increase the rental and resale value of properties compared to traditional grey infrastructure.Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers (September 2021): Nursery tree stock inspection and verification producedure

BACKGROUND: Growers of good quality nursery tree stock recognise the importance of each step in the production process and how each step influences and impacts physiological structure, plant health and establishment. The NIASA Nursery Tree Stock Specification outlines the relevant criteria for nursery tree stock production.Continue reading

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