Saturday, September 21, 2024


Business File

How to run your business and thrive in these times

By John Corban

We cannot control external occurrences, like the economy or the weather, but we can control our response to what happens. We have experienced an extended boom in the Landscape Industry, so what we might be experiencing now is business as usual, (in other words the boom has subsided).Continue reading

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EditorialEditors editorial

Restoring our land

Collecting stories this month exposed the very technical area of landscaping and rehabilitating degraded and contaminated industrial sites. The range of problems is immense when you consider that industrial sites may vary from a paved warehouse, disused power station or an oil terminal to a huge mine site covering thousands of hectares.… Continue reading

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Lots of interaction with exhibitors
Industry Event

Inaugural expo in Sydney a great success

By Karen Smith

The Landscape Association recently hosted its inaugural TLA Landscape Expo in Ryde in New South Wales and was held at TAFE NSW, Ryde Campus. Attendance exceeded expectations with over 800 people enjoying the large, trade-focused event.

Landscape professionals across the full spectrum of the industry – maintenance, construction, and design, enjoyed the 50 trade exhibits, product demonstrations and speaker program, as well as the buzz of catching up with industry colleagues and friends.… Continue reading

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