Botanic Gardens

Agents of change

By Maraika vanWessem

To the public, our botanic gardens are places of solace, learning and socialising. But what about the bigger picture? More than two thirds of our global population will be living in cities by 2050, yet the trees that shade and make those cities liveable are under increasing threat.Continue reading

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Environment & SustainabilityPest and Diseases

The dangers of monoculture

By Denis Crawford

The arrival of an exotic herbivorous insect in an environment dominated by only a few plant species can be a recipe for disaster.

When an insect is introduced into an area with few natural pathogens, parasites and predators, that insect may become a severe pest.… Continue reading

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Greenhouses & Technology

Transparent solar cells: Growing power

By John Fitzsimmons

Depending on location, energy usage can be the second largest operational expense in commercial greenhouse crop cultivation, and despite greenhouses providing the controlled environments needed for innovative research, they can be energy intensive and expensive to light, heat and cool.Continue reading

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Careers & EducationHorticultural Careers

Industry Events: Are they worth attending?

By Daniel Fuller

A few times each year, we have the opportunity to attend an industry event. They cost money and they take time to attend, so are they worth the investment?

Recently, the Australian Institute of Horticulture (AIH) held their National Day Conference for 2022, with their awards night following.… Continue reading

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