Botanic Gardens

Friends of the Gardens – the lifeblood of Rockhampton Botanic Garden

By Stuart Elder

In my first days as Curator at Rockhampton Botanic Garden last September, I was struck with a very welcoming and familiar sight dressed in bright pink shirts, the Friends of the Botanic Gardens!

Having worked for many years in various roles for The Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust, I was very familiar with the various programs that were run under the Foundation and Friends Inc.… Continue reading

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Plant Nutrition

Feeding plants to fuel growth

By John Fitzsimmons

Centuries of growing experience and science have gone into today’s knowledge of plant nutrition, recorded in innumerable texts, digital records and oral histories. While science is science, the foregoing has also resulted in many interpretations and opinions. This is not the time or channel for a comprehensive review but we can consider a few basic ideas and definitions.Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Ensuring business continuity during biosecurity incursions

BACKGROUND: As part of the levy-funded project ‘Ensuring business continuity during biosecurity incursions – social and economic research learnings for the production nursery industry’ (NY18010) a survey of production nurseries was undertaken which sought to examine the social and economic impacts of biosecurity incursions.… Continue reading

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Superfly – a superfood for plants

Melbourne-based Bardee, founded in 2019 by ex-architect Phoebe Gardner, and entomologist Alex Arnold, along with their team of entomologists, technicians, operators and leaders have created a world-first vertical farming system that prevents food waste turning into methane and recycles the nutrients back into the food system using insects.Continue reading

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Environment & SustainabilityPest and Diseases

The impact of varroa mite

By Denis Crawford

Varroa mite, the invasive parasite of European honey bees, has been detected in NSW. The current outbreak is very concerning but is there possibly a silver lining to this outbreak?

At the time of writing this article, the NSW outbreak of varroa mite (Varroa destructor) appears to be contained.… Continue reading

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LandscapeLandscape Design

Are you designing a landscape or a pest highway?

By Gabrielle Stannus

Most of us understand integrated pest management (IPM) as an environmentally sensitive way of managing pests and diseases in plants, be they in productive, environmental, or ornamental landscapes. IPM includes cultural, chemical, biological, genetic, and physical methods to control garden and landscape pests.Continue reading

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Plant PalettePlants

Introducing Distylium – The best plant you’ve NEVER heard of … until now!

Fleming’s Nurseries, Australia’s leading grower of ornamental, fruit and native Australian trees and plants is delighted to introduce ‘Distylium,’ an exciting new all-rounder shrub to the Australian market. 

To quote legendary plantsman and breeder Dr Michael Dirr, “These are the best plants that you have never heard of.”… Continue reading

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