Sunday, September 8, 2024


CareersCareers & Education

Should I save the world, or should I be realistic?

By Daniel Fuller

I was born in 1990, and like many of my fellow millennials, I grew up being told that I could do anything I put my mind to. I believe that the world could be better than it is right now, and I reckon I’ve got some pretty good ideas on the direction we need to move as an industry.Continue reading

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EditorialEditors editorial

Intergenerational learning combines skills in horticulture

There is often a lot of talk about the ageing workforce in horticulture, so it was heartwarming to see many young people in attendance at a conference I attended recently for the International Plant Propagators Society (IPPS). They were a breath of fresh air and contributed enormously to the event.… Continue reading

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After a healthy lunch at Parkers Place and a grafting demonstration by Des Boorman, delegates group together for a photo
International Plant Propagation Society

Propagators enjoy a breath of fresh air

By Karen Smith

For the 52nd year, propagators from Australia and overseas came together to ‘Seek and Share’ knowledge of propagation in all its forms. I congratulate the organisers of the International Plant Propagators (IPPS) Conference, “A Breath of Fresh Air,’ held in Ballina NSW for presenting an excellent venue and a most informative program.Continue reading

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