
Business FileEditorial

Growing your business means moving out of your comfort zone

By John Corban

Was there a time in your business when you were outside your comfort zone?

Think back to when you decided to start your business. You probably had feelings of anxiety and discomfort as well as excitement. Although you may have been somewhat afraid, what potentially lay ahead (freedom to pursue your passion, generate a greater income, and have autonomy) provided strong reasons to help propel you forward.… Continue reading

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EditorialNursery Papers

Nursery Papers – To Dip or not to dip – Foot Baths

Introduction: Nursery hygiene is the most basic platform for ensuring pest and disease-free growing areas and producing the best quality stock for sale to customers. Nursery hygiene issues in the propagation and production phases can cause problems that persist for the lifespan of the plants, which may be several decades in the case of woody species.… Continue reading

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