
Plant PalettePlants

Capparis – more than just capers

By Clive Larkman

On a recent trip to the central Mediterranean I observed some tough growing conditions. Most of the plants were non-native but one that stood out was Capparis spinosa – the Caper Bush. It is a tough plant that is able to establish itself in poor conditions with minimal water and virtually no soil.Continue reading

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Plant PalettePlants

Transforming Australian Lawns – Ozbreed Zen Grass® Zoysia spp. ‘ZOY01’ PBR

Imagine a lawn that ripples and undulates, creating a serene, Zen-like atmosphere in your garden. Picture a low-maintenance, high-density turf that greatly reduces weeds and fills in quickly. Envision a versatile grass that can be manicured for a traditional lawn look, or left natural and mown every two to three years to create a wavy, flowing green carpet.… Continue reading

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Plant PalettePlants

Unleash the beauty of rustic brown foliage – Rustic™ Poa spp.‘POL11’ PBR

Visualise a garden where emerald green is gracefully punctuated by hues of summer rustic brown, where the sun’s rays illuminate the landscape creating a warm, vibrant glow that transforms your outdoor space into a stunning visual masterpiece.

Rustic™ Poa is a breed of ornamental grass that seasonally possesses an enchanting brown hue, a distinctive visual attribute obtained through a natural process called senescence which generally occurs in the dryer months.… Continue reading

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Plant PalettePlants

Naturalised plants

By Clive Larkman

My wife Di and I and a good friend were invited to a birthday celebration for two friends. One was turning 50 and the other 40! The catch was the party was happening on the island of Vulcano of the coast of Sicily.… Continue reading

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Botanic Gardens

New Bonsai House for Brisbane Botanic Gardens

By Dale Arvidsson and Perry Naumann

All images supplied by Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha

Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha is Queensland’s premier subtropical botanic gardens and features a variety of spectacular living collections. Many of these themed displays feature categories ranging from geographic to climatic, and conservation to amenity horticulture, which are both educational and inspirational for the Garden’s million-plus visitors annually.Continue reading

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Plant PalettePlants

Pineapple – A dinosaur of a fruit

By Clive Larkman

Our modern world is made up of fruits from all parts of the world that have undergone a range of breeding from nil to full-blown commercialised and targeted selection. Western nations have the widest range due to their wealth and the resultant ability to transport fruit around the world and/or develop the complex growing conditions many of these fruits need.… Continue reading

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Botanic Gardens

Water security in the Australian Garden, Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne

By Trent Loane and Mitchell Burns

The Australian Garden is an inspiring and immersive display of Australian flora, landscapes, art, and architecture. The garden places a focus on sustainable horticultural practices and the conservation of south-east Australian flora. Set across 15ha, the Australian Garden follows a metaphorical journey of water from the arid inland landscapes of central Australia, along dry riverbeds and down mighty rivers, to the coastal fringes of the continent.Continue reading

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Turf farms to build better resilience

By Matthew Lunn

The record-breaking storms and flooding that occurred in parts of NSW, and which started in February 2022, has had a significant impact on communities. Lives have been lost and many people were forced to evacuate as the severe weather events caused extensive damage to residential properties, businesses, public infrastructure, agriculture, and the environment.Continue reading

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Botanic Gardens

A roadmap to achieving horticultural excellence

By Barbara Wheeler

Achieving excellence in growing and cultivating plants and gardens is an intrinsic part of each of our organisations, whether big or small. The technical aspects of good horticultural practice and horticultural excellence are intimately understood by experienced staff in our businesses, and frequently passed on verbally to newcomers.Continue reading

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The green side up

By Matthew Lunn

An iconic part of the home garden has been the humble lawn, but in recent times this terrific backyard addition is under threat. Plot sizes are getting smaller as the urban sprawl dictates city living in apartments and small courtyards, and where some are moving out of city dwellings where a nice turf area works well, the turf industry is faced with another phenomenon – artificial grass.Continue reading

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