Saturday, July 27, 2024
Estelle and Claudia Dee with Costa Georgiadis

One Tree Per Child joins forces with Garden Centres of Australia

The new campaign will have One Tree Per Child celebrity supporters asking grandparents and parents to take their children to a local garden centre. The aim? To get them to buy a tree, shrub or fruit tree that they can plant together in their garden at home.… Continue reading

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Empower young talent with the opportunity of a lifetime

Global Footprints Scholarships – when passion and opportunity meet, great things happen. Could this be you or someone you work with, a colleague, an employee?

A fantastic scholarship opportunity is available for talented young people.

Key information

From 1 May 2024, the Global Footprints Scholarships for 2024 is available for young talent to apply:

  • A once in a lifetime opportunity to travel the world and learn more about sustainability
  • $9,000 to gain global work experience in agriculture, horticulture or trades
  • Freedom to travel wherever is relevant NOW to learn from the most inspiring minds in the industry
  • Individual, professional coaching, networking opportunities and group workshops

We can all help by supporting young people to fulfil their potential and become inspirations to others.… Continue reading

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A weed with many uses

In a world-first study, researchers at the University of South Australia (UniSA) screened 50 native plants and weeds to find a cheaper and more environmentally friendly source for the bulk producing urease enzymes, used to strengthen soil and help to prevent erosion.… Continue reading

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Riverbank State Park urban farm, a welcome addition to the Harlem precinct (Image: Michael Casey)
Green Infrastucture

The educational value of urban green spaces for students

By Michael Casey

In the heart of bustling cities like New York, amidst the concrete jungle, lies an oasis of greenery and tranquility. These green spaces, often overlooked amongst the skyscrapers and busy streets, play a vital role in enhancing the quality of urban life and fostering a deeper connection with nature.Continue reading

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Bulbophyllum makoyanum (Daisy orchid) native to Borneo, Malaysia (image supplied by the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney)
Botanic Gardens

Orchids – plants with style

By Val Pintilie

Orchids are found on all continents of the world except Antarctica. The Orchidaceae family is the second biggest family in the plant world. There are known to be as many as 35,000 species of orchids and over 250,000 registered hybrids.Continue reading

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Greener Spaces Better Places Update

Whats Growing on?


Citygreen’s recent Where Shade Hits the Pavement 2024 event in Brisbane, where Greener Spaces Better Places proudly served as a key collaborator, proved instrumental in advancing commitment to urban green spaces. Your levy-funded guest speaker, Belinda Bean (Lead Strategist, Greener Spaces Better Places) contributed valuable insights, moderating the Q&A panels and delivering a presentation on the National Urban Green Infrastructure Handbook and where to next for urban greening.… Continue reading

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Red imported fire ant (Image: Jesse Rorabaugh)
Pest and Diseases

How invasive insect pests spread

By Denis Crawford

Several invasive insects currently of concern to the horticultural industry have something in common – the ability to travel long distances in horticultural material.

If reading a newspaper recently might make you think that we are under threat from invasive insects from all points of the compass, you would be right.… Continue reading

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Erica ‘Leonore’ propagated by Arnelia nursery, Western Cape, South Africa (Image: Stephanie Hastie)
International Plant Propagation Society

A journey through South Africa to Geelong

By Stephanie Hastie

Thanks to the generous sponsorship of the International Plant Propagator’s Society (IPPS) and through their exchange program, I had the extraordinary opportunity last year to embark on a horticultural adventure that spanned continents. This scholarship took me on a journey of discovery through South Africa, a land of unparalleled botanical diversity, which beckons horticultural enthusiasts with its vast array of endemic plant species and breathtaking landscapes. Continue reading

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‘Mother Ocean’ by Althaus Landscape Design (Image: Karen Smith)

More to show gardens than the eye can see

By Daniel Fuller

Signing on to enter a show garden can be exhausting. It is likely you will be squeezing six weeks of construction work into a few days, only to pull it down again in a weeks’ time, you will have to take three weeks out of your work schedule and run your social battery into the ground.Continue reading

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Business File

Employees need a leader, not a friend

By John Corban

Leadership is one of the most challenging, fulfilling and exciting roles a business owner faces, and leading in a fun and supportive, yet assertive, way is key to your business thriving and your team wanting to grow with you.Continue reading

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Editors editorial

Celebrating diversity and kindness

I had the privilege of attending two events to celebrate International Women’s Day, an event that celebrates all women globally and recognises their achievements.

This event begun in the early 1900’s; the first in Australia was in 1928 in Sydney. and was organised by the Militant Women’s Movement calling for equal pay for equal work, an eight-hour working day for shop girls, and paid leave!… Continue reading

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Helleborus x ericsmithii ViV® ‘Olivia’ is described as “a true flower bomb” (Image: IPM Media)
Greenlife Innovation

Colour and hardiness in IPM greenlife innovations

by John Fitzsimmons

Diverse greenlife innovations were unveiled at the 40th IPM Essen horticultural expo in Germany recently. Innovative colours and forms combined with improved environmental hardiness were common themes.

Two particularly heat-tolerant and sun-tolerant bamboo Fargesia breeding selections were exhibited by Wilfried Janssen.… Continue reading

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PGA's Australian-bred Moon Series® Convolvulus has a dense mounding groundcover rather than a sparse running habit (Image: PGA)

History, improvement and innovation still drive GIG

By John Fitzsimmons

As MC Chloe Thompson (‘the horticulturist of many hats’*) commented, the last year has been challenging for many enterprises in our industry. However, as presentations at the Garden Inspirations Group (GIG) 2024 event unfolded in Melbourne it was clear that history, improvement and innovation still drive those who service the greenlife sector – especially independent garden centres.Continue reading

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Business File

Increase rates and continue to increase work

By John Corban

How can I increase my rates and win the work I want?

What is the reason for wanting to increase fees?
If you look at your P&L statement and don’t like the profit you see you need to delve deeper to discover why this is happening.… Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Ecohort

Establishing your environmental credentials

Introduction: Greenlife businesses must prioritise sustainability for long‑term success.

Post-pandemic, sustainability has become one of business’ top investment priorities, on par with maintaining a strong financial position and staffing.

By improving sustainability, you can better attract and retain staff, build brand reputation and customer demand, find new opportunities and emerging markets – ultimately increasing your productivity to gain a competitive advantage.… Continue reading

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Quick Zest™ Argyranthemum 'ARGY 202' (Image: Ozbreed)
Plant Palette

Argyranthemum flowers for a sunburnt country

By Daniel Fuller

Are you on the hunt for new sources of colour in your landscapes, but are afraid of experimenting with un-tested plants that look good on day one, or which often fail to establish or perform poorly within the landscape?… Continue reading

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Attending industry events is good professional development (Image: Karen Smith)

Increasing your value as an employee

By Daniel Fuller

The skills that you bring to your workplace can be broken into two categories: soft and hard skills. Keeping this framework in mind can help you perform at your peak in your current role, and help you make the best impression at your next interview.Continue reading

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A weed with many uses

In a world-first study, researchers at the University of South Australia (UniSA) screened 50 native plants and weeds to find a cheaper and more environmentally friendly source for the bulk producing urease enzymes, used to strengthen soil and help to prevent erosion.… Continue reading

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‘Purple Roof’ plant and infrastructure trials with Western Sydney University (Image: Michael Casey)
Green Infrastucture

Greening Forces

The collaborative role of nurseries and urban greening professionals

By Michael Casey

Urban areas worldwide face escalating environmental challenges, including air and water pollution, heat islands, and loss of biodiversity. In response, urban greening has emerged as a critical strategy to mitigate these issues, enhancing the sustainability and liveability of cities.Continue reading

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