landscape design

LandscapeLandscape Design

Future trees and climate change – how not to lose our cool

By Gabrielle Stannus

With a PhD in the impacts of climate on vegetation and trees and a Diploma of Arboriculture, University of Adelaide Adjunct Lecturer, Dr Stefan Caddy-Retalic is well placed to speak on the impact of climate change on our urban trees.Continue reading

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Industry Event

Industry comes together at Queensland’s Green Expo

By Karen Smith

The Nursery & Garden Industry Queensland (NGIQ) Green Expo was recently held at the Gold Coast Turf Club, showcasing greenlife displays which included everything from potted colour to advanced trees and everything in between.

All under the one roof, visitors have the opportunity to speak direct with suppliers, growers and allied traders.… Continue reading

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Giving trees their best start: It’s worth it

By John Fitzsimmons

The benefits of trees in our landscapes and streetscapes are many, widely published, and should be widely recognised and accepted. Monetary valuations of mature urban trees (2022 estimated values) can range up to $220,000 each, and annual maintenance costs, depending on management programs, can be $150/year or more for decades of benefit.Continue reading

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Advancing horticulture through closed-loop recycling and product innovation

The Plastic Smart Program, a joint venture between Garden City Plastics (GCP), Norwood Industries, and Polymer Processors, is driving innovation, sustainability, and growth in the Australian horticulture sector. This collaborative effort aims to establish an innovative infrastructure that enables the industry and its communities to consume and reuse plastic in a sustainable way.… Continue reading

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Decade-long research identifies suitable plants for wet conditions

By Todd Layt

Evaluation of survivability of different landscape plants in various wet feet conditions.

Waterlogging has become a significant horticultural topic, particularly as our industry observed Australia enduring three years of exceptional wet conditions, including record floods. In a recent decade-long Australian study, researchers examined the impact of urbanisation and altered land use on ecosystems, particularly related to weather extremes, plant waterlogging, and increased flooding.… Continue reading

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Like a good wine, Altra Nursery gets better with age

By Karen Smith

This immaculate boutique nursery in Sydney’s South has managed to stay afloat when other nursery businesses in the area have disappeared through the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), the rising number of big box stores, the last El Nino, and the COVID19 Pandemic.Continue reading

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CareersCareers & Education

Ten pathways in amenity horticulture – Part 1

By Daniel Fuller

Amenity horticulture is more than just mowing, pruning plants, and spraying weeds. You can move from one sector of this industry to another to keep things fresh. Let’s look into ten pathways you can take in amenity horticulture, from production to maintenance and beyond.Continue reading

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Greener Spaces Better Places Update

What’s Growing on?


Welcome to this month’s Greener Spaces Better Places program update. Read on to find out the latest news and highlights to keep you up to date on what’s happening and how you can benefit.… Continue reading

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International Plant Propagation Society

Plants that have rewritten the record books

By Daniel Austin

The kingdom of plants is a big one, each member is a standout and potential record holder if you dig deep enough. Even something as seemingly obvious as the world’s largest plant hasn’t been as straightforward as it might have seemed.Continue reading

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