Sunday, September 22, 2024


Business File

Why should you know your critical percentages?

By John Corban

When I work with a new landscaping client, in the first two sessions, I analyse their profit and loss (P&L) and highlight their four main expenses (as a percentage of their sales), and compare these to what the targeted percentages should be.… Continue reading

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Industry Event

Don’t miss The Landscape Show 2023

Well established in its class after five years, The Landscape Show has become the must-attend event for all commercial and residential landscape contractors, maintenance specialists, horticulturists, landscape designers and architects, landscape service and product suppliers, as well as Council Parks & Gardens teams, students and educators.… Continue reading

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The system allows ingress of irrigation water to growing media and includes a clip system to prevent wind dislodgement and loss (Image: DeeWeed)

Pot developments top and bottom

By John Fitzsimmons

Advances in tools and processes don’t always have to be as radical as reinventing the wheel. Sometimes just building a better mousetrap serves us well. In our production nurseries the plastic pot is ubiquitous, but some simple smart thinking, especially in the detail, is also delivering benefits.Continue reading

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Hui-Ann Tan - Urban Forest and Ecology Project Offier, City of Melbourne
Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Supporting Greenlife Careers and Talent


In 2019, a levy-funded project, ‘Review of nursery industry career pathways’ (NY17002), led by RMCG Consulting outlined a strategy for the industry
that detailed a clear roadmap for skilled career pathway development in the nursery industry.

The document articulated the key challenge, which is supported by industry surveys, that like many other agricultural industries, the nursery industry faces major challenges around high staff turnover and an ability to attract and retain qualified and experienced people.… Continue reading

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