Thursday, September 19, 2024

International Plant Propagation Society

Brice Higgs presenting the Rod Tallis Award to Elliot Akintola, pictured with his wife Joana
International Plant Propagation Society

Propagation – essential to life

By Karen Smith

The 51st conference of the International Plant Propagators Society (IPPS) held recently at the Novotel, Geelong in Victoria was awash with the enthusiasm of up-and-coming horticulturists ready to take advantage of the seek and share attitude that is the society’s main purpose.Continue reading

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Plants grown in tissue culture can be induced to produce roots or shoots using auxins and cytokinins
International Plant Propagation Society

Phytohormones – an important list that keeps getting longer

By Dan Austin

When talking about plant hormones there are five big players that get exposure, but over the years, it has been discovered that there are many more and the roles they play within plants are nothing short of extraordinary.Continue reading

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Westland Nurseries Open Day at Seven Mile Beach, Tasmania (Image: IPPS)
International Plant Propagation Society

Celebrating 50 years of IPPS

By Dan Austin

Seeking and sharing knowledge of plant production is the core principle of the International Plant Propagators’ Society (IPPS). In recent months, this ethos has been showcased like never before as members across the country opened their doors to present propagation at its best through a series of regional meetings in celebration of fifty successful years of the society.Continue reading

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The new propagation facility is designed to maximise light
International Plant Propagation Society

Advancing training in propagation

By Dan Austin

It is an uncertain time for the future of many industries, horticulture included. As the greats of old, age and retire, quality training is needed like never before. So, in an industry that is increasingly moving online, it is fantastic when training providers invest in much-needed material assets.Continue reading

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