
Kalyx expands into new regions, increasing research capacity

For over two decades, Kalyx has been the go-to company for independent agricultural research in Australia due to their national presence and operational excellence. Over that time, they have helped their clients bring hundreds of new crop varieties, pesticides, fertilisers and other such technologies to Australian farmers.… Continue reading

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Euro retail notes

By John Fitzsimmons

A recent visit to the greenlife centre of a German ‘big box’ retail chain yielded some innovative ideas and longstanding classics for Aussie greenlife retailers to consider.

A simple clip-on handle made fruit trees in pots so easy and inviting to simply ‘pick up and take away’ without manually wrangling heavy pots onto trolleys.… Continue reading

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Careers & EducationEducation

Hort education, an overseas example

By Patrick Regnault

Over the last few decades, Horticulture education has seen many changes. Australia, like many other countries, mainly in the English-speaking world, seems to be heading towards distance learning to the detriment of practical based learning.

Apprenticeships and traineeships are not reaching levels of completion, and the profession is ageing.… Continue reading

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Environment & SustainabilityPest and Diseases

Alternatives to pesticides

By Denis Crawford

Given the recent debate in the media about the future of pesticides in some parts of the world, it’s time to look at the alternatives to pesticides.

A recent series of articles in The Guardian“Toxic nation: Australia’s pesticide problem” highlighted several issues with pesticide use in Australia.… Continue reading

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