landscape design

Careers & EducationEducation

Options for upskilling and getting qualified

By Dan Austin

It might come as a surprise if you’ve been out of the education system for some time but gaining a formal qualification in horticulture is easier than it’s ever been.

While no mandatory training is required to work as a horticulturist, formal qualifications make you all the more appealing to employers.… Continue reading

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CareersCareers & Education

Six more Pathways in amenity horticulture

By Daniel Fuller

Over the last two issues I have written about ten different pathways you can follow in amenity horticulture. However, there are a lot more pathways you can take. Here are a few more for you to consider when planning your career in this beautiful industry of ours.Continue reading

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Careers & EducationEducation

Employers need to upskill

By Patrick Regnault

There is a demand and a necessity to upskill your employees – it helps retain them and offers them a path forward in their career and in the industry. The benefits are many and well understood. Unless the employer is short-sighted, employers and managers should encourage and organise training programs for their employees.Continue reading

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BiodiversityEnvironment & Sustainability

Biosecurity – an issue for us all

By Clive Larkman

The world is a very different place from what it was one hundred or even fifty years ago. Fashion, technology, health and travel are some of the obvious sectors with immense change but there are less apparent ones that have major effects on our way of life.Continue reading

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Botanic Gardens

Small but mighty – Tiny Forests

By Felicity Skoberne

Urban greening through planting trees in public spaces can often be challenging and draw a wide range of responses from the community. Wollongong City Council recently refreshed their urban greening approaches by engaging with the community to construct rapid growth forests.Continue reading

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EditorialEditors editorial

Restoring our land

Collecting stories this month exposed the very technical area of landscaping and rehabilitating degraded and contaminated industrial sites. The range of problems is immense when you consider that industrial sites may vary from a paved warehouse, disused power station or an oil terminal to a huge mine site covering thousands of hectares.… Continue reading

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Green InfrastructureLandscape

Dense and diverse urban planting – popular or misunderstood?

By Michael Casey

Is the adoption of dense and diverse urban planting on the rise, or is it simply misunderstood?

Urban density and growth is on the rise, and currently the increased numbers are on an upward trajectory and is happening faster than we have ever experienced in human history, with an additional two billion people expected in urban areas by 2050.… Continue reading

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Industry Event

Inaugural expo in Sydney a great success

By Karen Smith

The Landscape Association recently hosted its inaugural TLA Landscape Expo in Ryde in New South Wales and was held at TAFE NSW, Ryde Campus. Attendance exceeded expectations with over 800 people enjoying the large, trade-focused event.

Landscape professionals across the full spectrum of the industry – maintenance, construction, and design, enjoyed the 50 trade exhibits, product demonstrations and speaker program, as well as the buzz of catching up with industry colleagues and friends.… Continue reading

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Cultivating an appetite for native plants

By Gabrielle Stannus

How to select native cultivars for use in a suburban garden in Sunbury, Melbourne, close to an environmentally sensitive landscape? I spoke with ‘fellow’ Tasmanian and well-known plant breeder, Angus Stewart, for his advice.

Entering a client’s front garden recently, I may have been forgiven for thinking that I had arrived in South Africa.… Continue reading

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Plants to the rescue – cleaning up contaminated sites

By Karen Smith

Delprat Garden, a phytoremediation garden overlooking the site that was once Newcastle’s steel works, was awarded a gold accolade in the architectural design category at the 2023 Australia Good Design Awards and is providing a model for large scale restoration of degraded industrial sites.Continue reading

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