Saturday, July 27, 2024



Gene editing to identify weeds

A proposal by Pedro M.P. Correia et al, from the University of Copenhagen, suggests that horticulture generally could make use of naturally occurring selection processes to improve crop yields.

Most high-yielding crops are susceptible to abiotic and biotic stresses, making them particularly vulnerable to the potential effects of climate change.… Continue reading

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Business File

Growing your business means moving out of your comfort zone

By John Corban

Was there a time in your business when you were outside your comfort zone?

Think back to when you decided to start your business. You probably had feelings of anxiety and discomfort as well as excitement. Although you may have been somewhat afraid, what potentially lay ahead (freedom to pursue your passion, generate a greater income, and have autonomy) provided strong reasons to help propel you forward.… Continue reading

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Vehicle baths must be of a sufficient size that wheels completely come in contact with disinfectant
Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – To Dip or not to dip – Foot Baths

Introduction: Nursery hygiene is the most basic platform for ensuring pest and disease-free growing areas and producing the best quality stock for sale to customers. Nursery hygiene issues in the propagation and production phases can cause problems that persist for the lifespan of the plants, which may be several decades in the case of woody species.… Continue reading

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Industry News

Three ‘green cities’ shortlisted for AIPH Award

The International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) and the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) have announced the three shortlisted entries, including two from Australia, selected by the Youth Jury from the list of 21 finalists in the AIPH World Green City Awards 2024. Continue reading

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Backyard compost bin (Image: Ben Kerckx, Pixabay)

Recycling food and gardening organics study

Compiled by Karen Smith

Among the global targets set at the 2022 UN Biodiversity Conference, COP 15, in Montreal was an agreement to cut global food waste in half, and significantly reduce over-consumption and waste generation, and reduce by half, both excess nutrients and the overall risk posed by pesticides and highly hazardous chemicals.Continue reading

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The correct loading technique using your lower body minimises strain on your back and shoulders (Image: Patrick Regnault)

Back to basics with small tools

By Patrick Regnault

Small tools are the basis of our trade. Secateurs, pruning and grafting knives, shovels and spades, picks, and hoes, and so much more. Some of the small tools have been used for centuries and reached their final forms a very long time ago.Continue reading

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One Central Park in Sydney offers a clean, healthy, and welcoming space for the community (Image: Karen Smith)
Green Infrastucture

Objectives beyond aesthetics – the full potential of greening buildings

By Michael Casey

Greening buildings, a practice involving the integration of vegetation and eco-friendly features into architectural design, has gained significant traction in urban environments in recent decades. While the concept holds promise for enhancing environmental quality and reducing ecological footprints, its true impact on overall sustainability warrants careful examination.Continue reading

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Replicating a habitat - the coastal garden (Image: Barbara Wheeler)
Botanic Gardens

Showcasing New Zealand indigenous plants in creative ways

By Barbara Wheeler

Often seen growing as scrappy carpark plants, badly pruned to keep within the bounds of narrow strips of garden beds and frequently planted in the wrong place, the wonderful indigenous flora of New Zealand has had a history of being overlooked and much maligned in its own country.Continue reading

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Chamelaucium ‘Paddy’s Pink’ was a favourite of green scarab beetles (Image by Denis Crawford)
Pest and Diseases

Insect pests – let ‘em rip or manage them?

By Denis Crawford

Gardening for wildlife has been in vogue for some time, but gardening for insects seems to be gaining in popularity. How do you create an insect garden without increasing pest numbers?

This Pest Files was inspired by an article I read on BBC online titled ‘Why you should let insects eat your plants’.… Continue reading

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Tasmannia lanceolata, Mountain Pepper (Image: Melburnian, CC-BY-3.0 via Wikimedia Commons)
Plant Palette

Edimental Tasmannia?

By Clive Larkman

Plants in the garden fill so many parts of our lives. The ‘Edimentals’ are the best, as they are both attractive, useful in the kitchen and some have medicinal value as well. You can tick another box if they are Australian natives.… Continue reading

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Just say “yes”

By Daniel Fuller

Have you ever wondered why some people are offered career opportunities that never seem to come your way?

It might be because those people have built a reputation for saying “yes” to extra responsibilities and opportunities. Saying “yes” can take different forms.Continue reading

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Editors editorial

A lot to be grateful for

It is with sincere gratitude that we say a massive thank you to Dan Austin for the many years he has contributed to Hort Journal Australia as writer on behalf of the International Plant Propagators Society. Dan’s horticultural knowledge along with his experience both as a lecturer with TAFESA and his vast experience working overseas brought interest to his articles and we have all benefited from that.… Continue reading

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The striking Diplolaena grandiflora (Native Rose) on display in “Through the Looking Glass” (Image: Ludovic Vilbert, Inwardout Studio)

Four new Australian Idylls!

By Gabrielle Stannus

Before arriving at this year’s Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show at the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens in Melbourne, I decided that I was going to focus my attention on the plant life on display. And boy, I was not disappointed!Continue reading

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An abundance of plants to admire, photograph and purchase (Image: MIFGS)
Industry Event

Stepping into nature

By Karen Smith

Garden lovers and green thumbs were treated to a botanical feast at the recent Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show (MIFGS) 2024. From the moment visitors entered the Royal Exhibition Building in Carlton Gardens the array of floral displays offered people the opportunity to see creative designs in every colour and form.Continue reading

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When there is little space or too many underground pipes, pots can be used (Image: Patrick Regnault)

Shrinking backyards – are trees a viable option?

By Patrick Regnault

For those of us who have chosen the rural life, finding the right location and types of trees to plant is our dilemma. For people living in urban and suburban areas it is much more difficult, and sometimes planting a tree is not advised.Continue reading

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Colour, floral form and size are common breeding traits focused on by cyclamen breeders (Image: John Fitzsimmons)
Bedding PlantsPropagation

Why innovation takes time

By John Fitzsimmons

Next time you see, seek or get offered a new greenlife development, spare a thought for the time, expertise and effort that went into delivering that innovation. It could have been up to a decade or more!

At this point in time many people in our world anticipate rapid, even instant, responses to needs and wants.… Continue reading

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Various plants were tested in extreme flooding over ten years (Image: Ozbreed)
Plant Palette

Buffer plants: Wet and dry feet superstars

By Daniel Fuller

The old saying, ‘right plant, right place’ will always be the fundamental rule for horticulture and landscaping. But some plants are ‘right’ for more places than others. At Ozbreed, we’ve bred a range of buffer plants that can handle both the driest and the wettest of soils.… Continue reading

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Justin Rhodes Achievable garden ‘Urban Harvest at a MIFGS 2024 (Image: Karen Smith)
Plant Palette

Is my plant edible, ornamental or maybe edimental?

By Clive Larkman

Over the decades garden plants have become an important part of modern life. A house without a garden just doesn’t seem finished. The balance between edible and ornamental plants has shifted. For many years, the major range of garden plants were what we could eat or at least use in the house.… Continue reading

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Estelle and Claudia Dee with Costa Georgiadis

One Tree Per Child joins forces with Garden Centres of Australia

The new campaign will have One Tree Per Child celebrity supporters asking grandparents and parents to take their children to a local garden centre. The aim? To get them to buy a tree, shrub or fruit tree that they can plant together in their garden at home.… Continue reading

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Empower young talent with the opportunity of a lifetime

Global Footprints Scholarships – when passion and opportunity meet, great things happen. Could this be you or someone you work with, a colleague, an employee?

A fantastic scholarship opportunity is available for talented young people.

Key information

From 1 May 2024, the Global Footprints Scholarships for 2024 is available for young talent to apply:

  • A once in a lifetime opportunity to travel the world and learn more about sustainability
  • $9,000 to gain global work experience in agriculture, horticulture or trades
  • Freedom to travel wherever is relevant NOW to learn from the most inspiring minds in the industry
  • Individual, professional coaching, networking opportunities and group workshops

We can all help by supporting young people to fulfil their potential and become inspirations to others.… Continue reading

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