Saturday, September 21, 2024


Tom May (Image: Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria)

Australasian Systematic Botany Society Medal

Dr Tom May, Principal Research Scientist (Mycology) at Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, was awarded the 2023 Nancy T. Burbidge Medal, the highest award of the Australasian Systematic Botany Society (ASBS).

Dr Katharina Nargar, President of ASBS, said the award honoured Dr May’s longstanding and significant contribution to the discovery, description, understanding and conservation of Australia’s vast fungal diversity.… Continue reading

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Online invasion

Many harmful, invasive plant species are let loose in the wild by careless actions of home gardeners and well-meaning professionals. There are several examples where plants were introduced to solve a problem only to become the problem. Classic example is bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp.… Continue reading

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Extinction not inevitable

What is a Puteketeke (poo techie techie)? About 300,000 people worldwide now know because they voted to make it New Zealand’s bird of the century. Some Kiwi’s called foul (or should that be fowl) because of the influence of an American based talk show host who promoted himself as the Puteketeke campaign manager ruffling the feathers of many of New Zealand’s bird enthusiasts.… Continue reading

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