landscape design

Greener Spaces Better Places Update

What’s Growing On?

We Launched our NSW School of Thumb Series

Across three episodes hosted by TV personality Claire Hooper, we helped young Aussies to level up their gardening skills. Our green gurus included Tim Robson, a horticultural expert from Eden Gardens, Amanda Snelling, the Director of Rambling Gardens Design, and Mark Engall, a fourth-generation nurseryman.… Continue reading

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Environment & SustainabilityPest and Diseases

Weevils are not all pests

By Denis Crawford

Think weevil, think pest? Think again. Weevils are incredibly diverse, and some species are plant pollinators.

With about 400,000 species worldwide, the insect order Coleoptera (beetles) accounts for about 25% of all animal species on earth. 20% of those beetles are weevils of the superfamily Curculionoidea.… Continue reading

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Green InfrastructureLandscape

Machinery and green infrastructure

By Michael Casey

Green Infrastructure installations are fast becoming an inclusion in our cities as we work towards finding solutions to mitigate the negative effects of climate change.

These installations, located around our cities, appear on rooftops, sides of buildings, within tight spaces, and in locations that makes the installation and maintenance of green spaces much more difficult than what we commonly install at ground level.… Continue reading

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Harbourside haven

By Lynne Testoni

A careful and considered planting schedule is the key to the continued maintenance of a high-profile public parkland.

There is a lot of pressure for any company tackling a high-profile public project, but Landscape Solutions ( rose to the occasion with the maintenance of this award-winning parkland for Barangaroo Point Reserve.… Continue reading

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Plant PalettePlants

Pineapple – A dinosaur of a fruit

By Clive Larkman

Our modern world is made up of fruits from all parts of the world that have undergone a range of breeding from nil to full-blown commercialised and targeted selection. Western nations have the widest range due to their wealth and the resultant ability to transport fruit around the world and/or develop the complex growing conditions many of these fruits need.… Continue reading

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Building your career in landscape construction

By Daniel Fuller

A career in landscape construction quite literally puts you smack bang in the centre of the industry. Designers and architects create the framework you’ll use, production and retail horticulturists provide the plants you’ll use, and maintenance professionals look after the landscape once you’ve long since left the site.Continue reading

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Botanic Gardens

Water security in the Australian Garden, Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne

By Trent Loane and Mitchell Burns

The Australian Garden is an inspiring and immersive display of Australian flora, landscapes, art, and architecture. The garden places a focus on sustainable horticultural practices and the conservation of south-east Australian flora. Set across 15ha, the Australian Garden follows a metaphorical journey of water from the arid inland landscapes of central Australia, along dry riverbeds and down mighty rivers, to the coastal fringes of the continent.Continue reading

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Business File

Why? One question that will change how you run your business

John Corban

We all know what service and products we provide in our business; we also know how we provide our service or products, but are you clear about WHY you run your business?

Many business owners in the horticulture Industry might say they love working with plants, maintaining and installing gardens, or growing and selling plants, but do your employees and clients know WHY you do what you do.… Continue reading

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Turf farms to build better resilience

By Matthew Lunn

The record-breaking storms and flooding that occurred in parts of NSW, and which started in February 2022, has had a significant impact on communities. Lives have been lost and many people were forced to evacuate as the severe weather events caused extensive damage to residential properties, businesses, public infrastructure, agriculture, and the environment.Continue reading

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EditorialEditors editorial

Fauna, Flora and…Fungi

If organisms in the soil biome became extinct, would anyone notice? Land and sea animals, such as Tasmania’s unique Maugean Skate (Zearaja maugeana) listed as endangered, receive some publicity but some organisms could go the way of the Tasmanian Tiger without anyone noticing until it is too late.… Continue reading

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